Disease & Ailments


Conditions A-D
Understanding and Managing Cannibalism in Pigs In recent months, the Oxford Sandy and Black Pig Group (OSBPG) have seen reports…
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Conditions A-D
Coccidiosis affects all ages of pigs and is a tacky or watery diarrhoea, piglets do not seem to grow very…
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Biotin Deficiency – Nail Growth

Conditions A-D Conditions K-O
This affects all age groups from growers, gilts, sows and boars. It is caused by diet and poor floors and…
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Conditions A-D
This affects both gilts and sows and the causes range from mismanagement, fever, infections of the uterus and poisoning. Effects:…
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BIOSECURITY – What’s it all about

Conditions A-D OSBPG Blog
Biosecurity serves as the pivotal strategy through which we thwart the infiltration and proliferation of detrimental agents, encompassing viruses, bacteria,…
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