There are a number of legal requirements you MUST adhere to when keeping pigs regardless of whether they are kept as a pet, used for breeding, or production of pork. To someone just starting out this can seem quite daunting, and it’s not always obvious where you start and depending on where you live in the UK, the relevant legal body may be different. So to simplify things and to help you ensure you are compliant we have compiled the below information for you along with some useful contact info. This is also available in a pdf version which you can download here.
In summary, you MUST as a minimum for keeping pigs
- Registered for a County Parish Holding Number (CPH)
- Obtain a herd mark for your pigs
- Ensure you have access to the relevant electronic movement licensing system
- register with your local trading standards as an R13 Livestock Farm
and if you are to be selling your pork;
5. Register as a food business via your local council.
This information was accurate as of 24th April 2023 and will be reviewed regularly, if you feel there are required amendments or changes please email