What is the GSA Program? (Scroll down to apply)

What is Required?

How much is the Genetic Spread allowance?

The allowance of GBP175.00 will be awarded after the successful transition and
movements of the Oxford Sandy and Black Pig is confirmed and verified with the
charity and purchaser.

Why are we doing this?

The achievements will be tenfold as we hope to see a steady increase in  our
bloodlines diversity and to populate designated regions that may not otherwise have a particular

The objective of this project is to encourage a good genetic selection. To encourage
new breeders and to encourage a network of communication for the supporters of our
charity. To also encourage communication, which is paramount, with our supporters
and trustees. Creating positive and direct communication with the Trustees and/or
Regional Representative.

The Charity’s ethos and focus is to support, inspire, educate and enthuse individuals
about our breed and give guidance to our supporters.

How do I apply?

Please complete the form below